The Treasure of Willow Creek

I’m excited to share my effort for Friday Fictioneers this week. I’ve had the pleasure of reading quite a few of the other entries and they are wonderful. All are welcome to join in. You can view the prompt, and details for participating, here:

The grieving Mrs. Budinski went through the doors of A Helping Hand, directing her maid to bring the discards in.

Boxes of junk would complicate Jessica’s budget. The wealthiest family in twelve counties would not pay to dispose their trash.

The first box held cracked leather shoes. Then Jessica saw a lampshade. Her heart skipped a beat. Could it be? They had disappeared more than fifty years ago.

Yes! All twenty-two lucky lamps were there. Mr. Budinski had hoarded them.

Jessica’s fiancé thought she was crazy.

Twenty years later no one could remember the poverty Willow Creek had been under.

38 thoughts on “The Treasure of Willow Creek

  1. Nice job, Gina! There seem to be two themes this week: Light and Luck. Lamps apparently bring those two things to mind. I like the way you start in the present, but give us a panoramic view of this family’s history. Well done. 🙂


    1. I hoped that someone would appreciate the joke of Mrs. Budinski’s name!

      You’re on the list, so if I find some lamps I’ll be in touch. Thank you for reading and commenting.


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