May I Please Have Your Attention?

Today is very special for me and the many special friends and family members who have made this journey with me. I’m grateful to each and every one of you for the love, support, enthusiasm, and dedication you have shared with me.

Today, I have the unbelievable pleasure of sharing the release of “The Dreaming” with you. I know. I know. Sometimes we thought this day would never arrive. Now that it has I am pinching myself, and hoping, at the same time, that I need to keep on pinching myself. It has been an amazing experience already.

Now, in case you haven’t heard me talk about it for the four years that I’ve spent working on “The Dreaming,” it is the first book in my new paranormal romance series called “Natural Gifts.” If you skip over to amazon via the link above, you’ll see “The Dreaming” in all of its glory.

23 thoughts on “May I Please Have Your Attention?

      1. Ahhh! I don’t have a Kindle to download it. I know, I know… I’ve been meaning to get one for ages. Ok, good excuse to get one.


      2. There is a print copy available, but I have to say that getting my tablet was one of the best things I ever did. You can also get Kindle for PC from free for Amazon. Options.


      3. Oh, I couldn’t see the print copy. I’ll blame my mummy brain. I must say, I do prefer print, the feel and the smell of the pages and the cover design inspires your imagination…so I’ll go have another look today. But it is time I embraced the digital age…I guess they are good for travel.


      4. I know some authors don’t bother with a print version, but I know a lot of people still prefer them so I made sure to have the option.

        I do prefer digital books now because they are so easy to store. I use a lot of reference books for my nutrition work and the Kindle makes it easier to highlight and carry everywhere. Definitely a boon for travel.


  1. Wow!Congrats!What an achievement-it must have been a fantastic experience :-)I wish you and your book great success and will surely have a look at it,tc & God Bless .


    1. Thank you! It is a wonderful feeling to share The Dreaming with the world and have others enjoy it as much as I do.

      I appreciate you coming by a chatting with me.


      1. Will try to buy your book soon -am fascinated by the genre you chose and am also thrilled to be chatting with a real author 😀


      2. I’ve always loved romance and the unseen world, so discovering the paranormal romance genre really thrilled me.

        I enjoy chatting with you, too!


Hearing from you makes my day.