The Most Basic Nutrition

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One of the toughest choices people make is deciding whether or not to hire a Holistic Health Consultant. They’ve been dealing with things on their own. They’ve had some success. They’ve had some setbacks. They’ve spent time, worry, and money trying different approaches. As a Holistic Health Consultant, I’d like to weigh in on the decision based on what I know to be true after nine years in practice. Why do we call it practicing after we have degrees and certifications? I don’t know. It’s just the best word we have for it.

There are five basic functions that you need to stay healthy.

One, the ability to eat and drink.
Two, the ability to digest what you eat and drink.
Three, the ability to eliminate the waste from what you eat and drink.
Four, the ability to sleep at least a solid stretch of six hours.
And five, enough energy to run your normal day. Whatever normal means to you.

If any of these basic body functions are challenging for you, consider hiring a Holistic Health Consultant.

I raise a glass of reverse osmosis water to you, to your health, comfort, and longevity.

As always, I hope you find this information to be helpful. That is my intention.

4 thoughts on “The Most Basic Nutrition

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