January Class Schedule!


The Reiki Cafe logo

I’ll have more to share about The Reiki Cafe name only croppedonce I’ve finished filing the permits, but I can already tell you that it is going to be awesome!

I hope you like the logo!

Now, on to the schedule.  Remember, if you would like to host a workshop or class in your home, ask me about it.

Gina Pic 2 head 300ppi

Joshua Tree, CA
Contact:ginarty@hotmail.com, http://www.ginabriganti.com
Instructor: Gina Briganti, Reiki Master Teacher, Holistic Health Consultant

January Class Schedule

Guided Meditation: January 2nd from 10:00-11:30. Register by December 26th. Meditations are one hour long, with thirty minutes of discussion following the meditation. The fee for each meditation class is $20.

Nutrition Workshop: January 3rd from 10:00-2:00. Register by December 27th. Ask your basic nutrition questions and complete a mini analysis to learn more about what your body needs. The workshop fee is $60.

Guided Meditation: January 10th from 10:00-11:30. Register by January 3rd. Meditations are one hour long, with thirty minutes of discussion following the meditation. The fee for each meditation class is $20.

Teaching Reiki Workshop: January 10th from 12:30-4:30. Register by January 3rd.. If you’ve completed your Reiki levels, and would like more instruction on how to structure your Reiki classes, this workshop is for you. I will include information for teaching all four levels. The workshop fee is $60.

Guided Meditation: January 16th from 10:00-11:30. Register by January 9th. Meditations are one hour long, with thirty minutes of discussion following the meditation. The fee for each meditation class is $20.

Reiki II Class: January 17th from 10:00 – 3:00. Register by January 10th. Class includes level II attunement, certification, practitioner practice, symbol practice, symbol meditation, and distant healing instruction. The fee for the class is $200.

Infusing Reiki Into Your Life: January 23rd from 10:00-2:00. Register by January 16th. Learn how to cleanse and energize your home, workspace, career, relationships, and more in this workshop. The workshop fee is $60.

Guided Meditation: January 24th from 10:00-11:30. Register by January 17th. Meditations are one hour long, with thirty minutes of discussion following the meditation. The fee for each meditation class is $20.

Guided Meditation: January 30th from 10:00-11:30. Register by January 23rd. Meditations are one hour long, with thirty minutes of discussion following the meditation. The fee for each meditation class is $20.

As always, thank you for everything!


Are you receiving my newsletter?  I hope so, but if you’re not, maybe because you changed your e-mail and didn’t sign up with your new one, fix it easily by signing up here.

What is a Reiki “Facial”?

The Reiki Facial* is a Reiki technique that I developed with my guides, well, guidance.  I noticed that a few hours into a Reiki class, my students started looking remarkably younger.  We’ve all heard that stress ages us, and this result was the illustration of that.

The Reiki Facial* is intended to focus on the physical appearance of the face, but because it is Reiki, we know that more than that is happening.  Bonus, right?!

I taught the technique in a few classes, starting with level II students.  Then I tried experimenting with it by itself and photographing the results before and after the sessions.

Cyhndi's Reiki FaceliftMy model, Cyhndi, is my Reiki Master Teacher.  She bravely went first.  She loved the results of the technique and the fact that they lasted a long time for her.  People asked her what she was doing differently to look so good.

We were thrilled!

Then is was my turn to be the model, and Cyhndi’s turn to give me the sessions.

Gina4wkfinal CollageYou can see from my progression that I had more color in my face as the sessions continued.  By the end of the treatments, my daughter told me that I looked like her sister!

The best part is that we did all of this through Google Hangouts.  Of course, it can be done in person.  That’s still an option.

Now Cyhndi and I are both able to teach Reiki practitioners how to perform the technique, and we are available to do Reiki Facials* on you!  Distance is not an obstacle.  If you’d like a Reiki Facial session, you can book one with either one of us.

Plus, we’re teaching the technique via Google Hangout.  Make sure you’re signed up for my newsletter so you can register for the next class.

Questions?  Ask away!

As always, thank you for being a part of my experience!


*Reiki Facial is a Reiki technique.  You do not need to be an aesthetician to use the technique.  It contains Reiki only.  No product is used at any time during the session.  In fact, the skin is never touched.

Will You Post a Review of My Reiki and Nutrition Work on Thumbtack.com?

Hello! I hope this day finds you well. It is gorgeous here in Joshua Tree.

I have signed up with a new website for my Reiki and nutrition services. If you have experienced either, or both, and would like to leave a review for others to reference, I would appreciate it. This is the link: http://tack.bz/1C9Qs to my review page.

If you have a site where you would benefit from a review of your services, please let me know. I am happy to reciprocate.

As always, thank you for reading.


If you haven’t signed up for my newsletter, you’re missing out on exclusives like the one that will be in the September newsletter. Sign up takes only moments, and your information is not shared with anyone.

What Is Reiki?

There could be as many descriptions of what Reiki is, how it works, and even if it works, as there are people to talk about it. What I’m sharing here is my perception and experience with Reiki as a student, practitioner, and teacher. My Reiki experience began in 2005. In 2007 I became a master teacher. I have taught all four of the levels.

Reiki is a relaxing, stress relieving, technique. During a session a client can choose to have conversation, or silence, or something in between. My clients and I typically laugh because it feels so ridiculously good to let go of so many things that were weighing us down.

Reiki can be done anywhere. In health spas, for example, the client usually lies down on a massage table. However, Reiki is not a massage technique. It is a form of energy work, meaning that it works on the energy that makes up the mind, the body, and the spirit. That’s why Reiki is as effective on the phone, or at a distance without direct contact, as it is in person. Some clients feel better if you place a hand on them while they’re receiving Reiki in person. Others don’t like to be or need to be touched at all. It sounds mystical, doesn’t it?  Two of my long-term clients shared their experiences with distance Reiki.  Feel free to click on the link if you’d like to read what they said.

You can read about studies verifying the efficacy of Reiki here: http://www.centerforreikiresearch.org/
If you’d like to read a history of Reiki, follow this link: http://www.reiki.org/faq/HistoryOfReikiToCopy.html

What is Reiki good for? Literally anything. If you consider that stress is the cause of most problems, then the relief of the stress will leave you feeling better. I have to say that if I hadn’t experienced it for myself, I’d be a skeptic.

What happens during a Reiki session is this: your practitioner will help you into a comfortable position. Sessions typically last for one hour, though they can be shorter or longer. You may be touched on your head, hands, stomach, legs, knees, and feet. Or, as I mention above, not at all. Your practitioner may stay in one place and simply place their hands over you. What the client feels is anything from relaxation to a deep sleep.

Here’s a sample of a Reiki treatment by William Rand of the International Center for Reiki Training.

So, in summary, Reiki is a relaxation technique. Ideally the client goes into the session feeling heavy, upset, confused, etc. and comes out of it feeling refreshed, healthy, and energized.

I have openings for Reiki sessions and classes. See my Menu of Services post for more information about scheduling and costs.