Keep It Simple: Permission to Illuminate Your Life Easily, Effortlessly & Joyfully Work Book Exercise 8-2015 – Accepting Help

K.I.S. Exercise Accepting Help

Attention givers!  Could you use some balance when it comes to accepting?  You know how good it feels to give when the receiver feels good about what you’re giving, right?  How about when you want to give, and your receiver feels guilty, chastised, like a charity case, depressed, undeserving, etc.?  Not as good, right?

How do you feel about accepting help?  Let’s find out.

Now, for the workbook portion of the exercise! The Kindle version of the workbook is currently only $0.99. Signed copies of the paper workbook can be ordered directly from me.

K.I.S. cover

The statements:

I know that I am good at accepting help.
I trust that I am good at accepting help.
I love that I am good at accepting help.
I accept that I am good at accepting help.

Instructions for plugging in the keys if you haven’t done it before, or if you would like a refresher:

Pg. 14 of the workbook has a space for what you know is true about yourself. If your meditation with the words, “I know that I am good at accepting help,” energized you, comforted you, or in some way felt like it was the one, this is where you’ll write the phrase in and date it. You know how much fun it is to look back on those entries!

Pg. 16 of the workbook is where you’ll write the words, “I trust that I am good at accepting help,” if this is the phrase that gives you a good feeling, energizes you, or in some way adds something to you.

Pg. 17 of the workbook is the place to write, “I love that I am good at accepting help,” if this is the phrase that gives you that loving feeling.

Pg. 18 of the workbook is where you can write, “I accept that I am good at accepting help,” if this is the feeling that resonates most for you.

You can have more than one that feels good, so it’s up to you if you want to write it in more than one way. I think of this as one of the deeper introspections to explore, so please, do be gentle with yourself. Write the dates on each entry so you can visit them or work with them in the future.

Please feel free to get in touch with me privately if this exercise brings up anything you’d like help with. I’m here for you.

As always, thank you for reading,


I hope you’re receiving my newsletter for exclusive updates and information about Reiki, nutrition, and my books.  If you’re not receiving it, you can sign up for it here.

Keep It Simple Workbook Exercise 2-2015: Nurture The Magic Within

K.I.S. Exercise 2-2015The reminder to nurture the magic inside of me came when I returned to the work force in September of last year.  Nurturing your magic can come in any form that is natural for you.  For me, it meant remembering that I have extra energy to call on when I need it; it meant having faith in that energy.

I was facing a tough transition going from being self-employed for years to working in an entry-level position in a new field.  I had a nightmare, and felt stressed that I wasn’t going to be able to succeed in my new job.

Lucky for me, my intuition perked up and reminded me that I could call on that special energy inside of me.  Just remembering to do that was all I needed.  Everything changed!  I was energized and confident again.  It didn’t take long to get my first promotion, either!

There is magic inside of you.  Nurture it, and let it open you up to all the wonder you’ve been manifesting.

Now, for the workbook portion of the exercise!  The Kindle version of the workbook is currently only $0.99.  Signed copies of the paper workbook can be ordered directly from me.

 The statements:

I know that I am good at nurturing the magic inside of me.

I trust that I am good at nurturing the magic inside of me.

I love that I am good at nurturing the magic inside of me.

I accept that I am good at nurturing the magic inside of me.

Instructions for plugging in the keys if you haven’t done it before, or if you would like a refresher:

Pg. 14 of the workbook has a space for what you know is true about yourself. If your meditation with the words, “I know that I am good at nurturing the magic inside of me,” energized you, comforted you, or in some way felt like it was the one, this is where you’ll write the phrase in and date it. You know how much fun it is to look back on those entries!

Pg. 16 of the workbook is where you’ll write the words, “I trust that I am good at nurturing the magic inside of me,” if this is the phrase that gives you a good feeling, energizes you, or in some way adds something to you.

Pg. 17 of the workbook is the place to write, “I love that I am good at nurturing the magic inside of me,” if this is the phrase that gives you that loving feeling.

Pg. 18 of the workbook is where you can write, “I accept that I am good at nurturing the magic inside of me,” if this is the feeling that resonates most for you.

You can have more than one that feels good, so it’s up to you if you want to write it in more than one way. I think of this as one of the deeper introspections to explore, so please, do be gentle with yourself. Write the dates on each entry so you can visit them or work with them in the future.

Please feel free to get in touch with me privately if this exercise brings up anything you’d like help with. I’m here for you.

As always, thank you for reading,


I hope you’re receiving my newsletter, but if you’re not already receiving the exclusives and announcements there, sign up right away so you don’t miss out on any more of them.






Keep It Simple: Permission to Illuminate Your Life Easily, Effortlessly, & Joyfully Workbook Exercise 9-2014: Letting Others Be Themselves

K.I.S. 9-2014


The other end of the spectrum from being ourselves is letting others be themselves. If the balance works the way a lot of us think it does, then practicing letting others be themselves is essential to allowing others to let us be ourselves.

The practice of letting others be themselves also saves time. If you find your brain working at trying to figure out how someone else should handle a challenge in their life, and then you let go of trying to figure it out for them, you will empower them, and give yourself that time to enjoy your life.

Set aside some time, half an hour at least, or more if your life has been hectically busy, to relax into your own peace. When you are there, work with these statements and record them in your workbook, if you have a physical copy, on your Kindle notes if that’s where you like to keep your notes, or in your journal.

K.I.S. cover

The statements are:

I know that I am good at letting others be themselves.

I trust that I am good at letting others be themselves.

I love that I am good at letting others be themselves.

I accept that I am good at letting others be themselves.

Instructions for plugging in the keys if you haven’t done it before, or if you would like a refresher:

Pg. 14 of the workbook has a space for what you know is true about yourself. If your meditation with the words “I know that I am good at letting others be themselves,” energized you, comforted you, or in some way felt like it was the one, this is where you’ll write the phrase in and date it. You know how much fun it is to look back on those entries!

Pg. 16 of the workbook is where you’ll write the words, “I trust that I am good at letting others be themselves,” if this is the phrase that gives you a good feeling, energizes you, or in some way adds something to you.

Pg. 17 of the workbook is the place to write “I love that I am good at letting others be themselves,” if this is the phrase that gives you that loving feeling.

Pg. 18 of the workbook is where you can write “I accept that I am good at letting others be themselves,” if this is the feeling that resonates most for you.

You can have more than one that feels good, so it’s up to you if you want to write it in more than one way. I think of this as one of the deeper introspections to explore, so please, do be gentle with yourself. Write the dates on each entry so you can visit them or work with them in the future.

Please feel free to get in touch with me privately if this exercise brings up anything you’d like help with. I’m here for you.


As always, thank you for reading,



My monthly newsletter comes out tomorrow!  If you want those exclusives, be sure to sign up for it today.  I have a Reiki extra, and a Desert Sunrise extra!


Keep It Simple: Permission to Illuminate Your Life Easily, Effortlessly, & Joyfully Workbook Exercise 8-2014: Who I am is Good Enough

K.I.S. 8-2014

This month’s workbook exercise is “Who I am is good enough.”

How do you feel about this statement in your mind, body, and spirit?  If you’re busy, and you would like to work with this statement, set aside the time you need to look deep inside of yourself.  Relax with yourself.

Get our your journal, your paperback copy of Keep It Simple: Permission to Illuminate Your Life Easily, Effortlessly, & Joyfully  K.I.S. coveror your Kindle copy, and fill in the statements you identify with. Feel free to play around with the statements until you find what fits for you. Remember to put a date on them. While you’re there, look at what you have written before. I find those older entries illuminating.

The statements:

I know that who I am is good enough.

I accept that who I am is good enough.

I love that who I am is good enough.

I trust that who I am is good enough.


If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.  I’m here to help.


As always, thank you for reading.


Are you signed up for my newsletter? I have some very special surprises coming up in my September newsletter. If you’re not signed up, you can sign up now.

Keep It Simple Workbook Exercise 7-2014: What Are You Doing With Your Energy?

Your energy is a precious resource.  So, what do you know, trust, love, and accept about how you use your energy?


Instructions for plugging in the keys if you haven’t done it before, or if you forgot:

Pg. 14 of the workbook has a space for what you know is true about yourself. If your meditation with the words “I know that I use my energy in the best possible way,” energized you, comforted you, or in some way felt like it was the one, this is where you’ll write the phrase in and date it. You know how much fun it is to look back on those entries!

Pg. 16 of the workbook is where you’ll write the words, “I trust that I use my energy in the best possible way,” if this is the phrase that gives you a good feeling, energizes you, or in some way adds something to you.

Pg. 17 of the workbook is the place to write “I love that I use my energy in the best possible way,” if this is the phrase that gives you that loving feeling.

Pg. 18 of the workbook is where you can write “I accept that I use my energy in the best possible way,” if this is the feeling that resonates most for you.

You can have more than one that feels good, so it’s up to you if you want to write it in more than one way. I think of this as one of the deeper introspections to explore, so please, do be gentle with yourself. Write the dates on each entry so you can visit them or work with them in the future.

Please feel free to get in touch with me privately if this exercise brings up anything you’d like help with. I’m here for you.


If you don’t already have a copy of “Keep It Simple: Permission to Illuminate Your Life Easily, Effortlessly, & Joyfully” you can click on the book cover; it will take you to Amazon.  I have signed copies available.  If you prefer one of those, let me know.

K.I.S. cover

As always, thank you for reading.



“Keep It Simple: Permission to Illuminate Your Life Easily, Effortlessly, & Joyfully” Workbook Exercise 6-2014: Problem Solving



“Keep It Simple: Permission to Illuminate Your Life Easily, Effortlessly, & Joyfully” has something to celebrate!  It’s now available as an eBook!


To celebrate the new format, there will be a special giveaway in the July newsletter.  If you’re not signed up for the newsletter, you can sign up here.

Now I’d like to take the opportunity to help you with solving one of your biggest challenges.  For this exercise,  I recommend choosing only one to work with.  Work with the same challenge until you’re satisfied with the results.  Then move on to another problem.

Choose a time to open your “can of worms” when you can truly devote at least an hour to exploring, journalling, and meditating on it.  Journal all of your thoughts about it.  Ask yourself every question you can think of.  Truly explore every angle you can find to look at.  The purpose of this exercise is to satisfy yourself that you’re not hiding away from something you’re afraid of, or ashamed of.

Take time to breathe through your feelings.  You have 100% of your own attention right now in your mind, your body, and your spirit.  Really let yourself relax and explore.  If you need to forgive yourself, forgive yourself.  If you need to forgive someone else, and you’re ready to, forgive them.  If you need to express a gentle truth, express it.

You will come to a place where your thoughts start to repeat themselves. That’s when you’re ready to look at your problem with the tools from the technique from “In Closing,” in the workbook.  Which one of the three is it?  Is it time to gather more information?  Is it time to allow things to unfold, because you’ve already done all that you can?  Or is it time to take action right away?

If it’s time to take action right away, and you’re not sure which action to take, visit the toolbox in chapter one.  Choose as many of the tools there as appeal to you, and take action.

As always, I’m happy to lend an ear if you have a question.

I’d be honored to hear how problem solving is going for you.  What was in your can of worms?  If you have something private to share, feel free to connect on Facebook or through e-mail.

Much love always,








Welcome, Book Marketing Challenge Blog Hoppers!

The Book Marketing Challenge BannerGina Briganti


I’m Gina Briganti.  Thank you very much for stopping by my blog today.

If you’re like me, you can hardly believe that the challenge is ending.  I’ve been privileged to get to know some of you through the challenge, and I look forward to connecting with more of you as a result of this blog hop.  This has been an exciting 30 days!  I’ve learned incredible amounts of information.  Information I was able to put to use right away and see results from.

I offer my gratitude to all the presenters.  You are all amazing!  I have registered with many of you to continue learning from you, and purchased some of your products.

When D’Vorah Lansky asked us to choose one favorite book marketing strategy, I viewed it as a great thought exercise.  I have many pages of valuable notes I’ve collected throughout the challenge.  One does stand out for me, and that is collaboration.  I’m excited about sharing virtual book tour dates, writing Kindle book series, and guest posts; all because they’re amazing ways to get together and amplify our individual skills and reach.

Signing up for my newsletter is the entryway into working together.  Each month I’ll share which opportunities I’m offering, and looking for, on my editorial calendar.  My newsletter is the only place this calendar, and these offers, will appear.  I’ve made it easy for you to join me with this helpful link.

Reciprocation is a key word.  I always want to create in a way that benefits all of us.  Are you curious about what my topics are?  I hope so!

You see in my banner that I am a Reiki Master Teacher, Author, and Holistic Health Consultant, which is a good introduction into a few of the topics I write and read about.  I’m interested in collaborations involving:



Developing intuition

Deepening intuition

Living intuitively


Power animal guidance







Romance of nearly any genre

Paranormal Romance – I have a paranormal romance series with 17 releases planned.  My newest release is 

Non-fiction self-help – This is my workbook.  I post exercises for this workbook here on my blog.

Lifestyle coaching


Holistic health

Positive mental attitudes

Emotional balance


Who knows where we’ll go with all the fabulous opportunities we have in front of us?  We have everything we need to entertain, inspire, and inform our target audience of women and men looking for ways to live a happy life, whether that’s through books, direct coaching, or team support.  This is what we do, because it’s what we love to do.  Our audience will appreciate us because they know the value of our expertise and commitment.

Thank you for taking the time to read and comment.  I truly appreciate you.  I’ll be seeing you on your blog soon!

Keep It Simple: Permission to Illuminate Your Life Easily, Effortlessly & Joyfully Workbook Exercise 4-2014

K.I.S. Exercise 4-2014

Instructions for plugging in the keys if you haven’t done it before, or if you forgot:

Pg. 14 of the workbook has a space for what you know is true about yourself. If your meditation with the words “I know that I am worthy of a good life” energized you, comforted you, or in some way felt like it was the one, this is where you’ll write the phrase in and date it. You know how much fun it is to look back on those entries!

Pg. 16 of the workbook is where you’ll write the words, “I trust that I am worthy of a good life,” if this is the phrase that gives you a good feeling, energizes you, or in some way adds something to you.

Pg. 17 of the workbook is the place to write “I love that I am worthy of a good life,” if this is the phrase that gives you that loving feeling.

Pg. 18 of the workbook is where you can write “I trust that I am worthy of a good life,” if this is the feeling that resonates most for you.

You can have more than one that feels good, so it’s up to you if you want to write it in more than one way. I think of this as one of the deeper introspections to explore, so please, do be gentle with yourself. Write the dates on each entry so you can visit them or work with them in the future.

Please feel free to get in touch with me privately if this exercise brings up anything you’d like help with. I’m here for you.

Happy weekend everyone!

Have You Hugged Your WorkBook Today?

As we bring 2013 to its close many of us have renewed our zeal for what we love and didn’t give enough time to this year. Because I’m looking out for you and want to see you beaming with happiness, I’m going to suggest that you take out your copy of the work book and see what you can add to it. Do you have news to share with your trust, accept, love, or know pages?

Are you at a crossroads and need tools to clarify what it is that‘s ultimately motivating you? Those are in chapter 2. A long list in the toolbox to go through until you get that zing announcing that you’ve found a step to bring you closer to what it is that you want to be closer to.

One of my favorite tools in the work book is on the final page. The one that asks you to simplify your challenges into one of three categories by going into yourself and observing yourself.

If you don’t know what the work book is, it’s my affectionate name for this lovely mouthful – “Keep it Simple: Permission to Illuminate Your Life Easily, Effortlessly, & Joyfully” by yours truly. It’s available right now on Amazon. If you’d like an autographed copy, give me a yodel and we’ll fix that right up.

I wish you oodles and oodles of peace and love in this Happy New Year.