What You Need to Know About Probiotics, According to Reviews.com



What You Need to Know About Probiotics

Since there’s still not a lot of research on probiotics, the research team at Reviews.com recently spent months studying and testing 277 top-rated supplements on the market to determine which strains are most effective for various issues. Here are some of their findings.

Although the idea of beneficial bacteria has been around since the late 1800s, and probiotic supplements have been around since the 1930s, there haven’t been many human clinical trials. We do know that probiotics produce enzymes that help break down chemicals that the normal human gut has a hard time with, such as the oligosaccharides in legumes. That digestive assistance results in less gastrointestinal distress and better absorption of nutrients.

A small but growing body of research on our gut tenants suggests that hacking your microbiome can not only improve the digestive process, but also contribute to a laundry list…

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