I’m Not Telling You to Buy this Book, but you Really Should Buy this Book if You’re Promoting A Book

Like many self-published authors, I’ve been on a steep learning curve for the last four years. Sandra Beckwith took an entire mountain out of that learning curve with this book. Thanks to her step-by-step lists, her checklists, her examples of different releases by genre, her impeccably convenient free library references, her free newsletter that is packed with valuable tips…I could go on…

When you purchase this book, you will have the tools you need to write and distribute a press release. Mission accomplished. Beckwith is on my author list. When she releases a new book, or endorses a product, I’m going to pay attention.


4 thoughts on “I’m Not Telling You to Buy this Book, but you Really Should Buy this Book if You’re Promoting A Book

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