A Message to Share: Spreading Happiness

A Message to Share 2


This month’s message is about spreading happiness. I’ve asked our generous power animals to step forward and share their thoughts.
Before we read what Eagle, Zebra, Lion, Giraffe, Lioness, and Horse shared, I’d like to remind you of three things:

1. Monday, June 2nd, is the last day to register for my Reiki II training in Joshua Tree, CA.
2. Thursday, June 5th, is the last day to enter the free giveaway for a chance to win a copy of one of my books, and to have Joe answer a question for you in The Dreaming.
3. The most requested reader’s choice short story, “Jennie and Cat Sing Karaoke”, is going to be published in my June newsletter. If you aren’t signed up, you can sign up for it by clicking here.



A Message to Share:

Eagle: “Spreading happiness can only happen if you are truly happy to start with. When you have mastered happiness in your own life, you will spread it naturally. Anyone you come into contact with, in any way, will automatically feel your happiness and be touched by it.”


Zebra: “We are known for our exuberance. Have you ever seen a sad looking zebra? We represent the wilder side of happiness when we run for miles. For us, spreading happiness means getting out there and exerting ourselves. Everyone feels happy when they look at us. Exert yourself in the ways that you enjoy, and people will smile because they can see how much you are enjoying yourself.”


Lion: “Elegant, graceful, confident, and commanding, lion energy reminds us that knowing that all is well, that all is in control, allows for a calm happiness to permeate all around us. This is a calm, stately happiness, unlike the exuberant glee of the zebra. You can be happy, and those you are in contact with can also be happy, because all is well.”


Giraffe: “I teach of the happiness that spreads from self-acceptance. Being an individual. Being happy about exactly who you are. Being unique. Your happiness is entirely your own. You can participate in groups if and when you like, for you are social, but always keep in mind just who it is that you are. Be happy to be exactly who you are.”


Lioness: “My family is always my first priority. It is up to me to provide whatever is needed, and what is needed most, is timing. When should your spread your spark of happiness? When should you lie low? That is my gift to you. Call on me to feel confident in your timing.”


Horse: “I am sometimes calm, and sometimes wild, but at all times I am centered. I am with you when you ask for guidance in keeping your own center. Always being in your own center is where you find happiness.”



Thank you, thank you, thank you to Eagle, Zebra, Lion, Giraffe, Lioness, and Horse, for your generosity, wisdom, guidance, and willingness to help us when we call on you.


I hope that you found helpful, inspiring messages today!


Peace and love,


6 thoughts on “A Message to Share: Spreading Happiness

  1. Gina, probably, it is Reiki that brought us together. I am attuned to reiki too but slightly. Don’t practice or meditate on it much. Whenever you get time, please do throw some light on the wisdom of animals. What is it about?


    1. Sonal, I wouldn’t be surprised if it is Reiki that brought us together. Reiki took off for me after receiving my second session from my teacher.

      I originally found your blog through foodbody’s Why We Blog series, which is how I found her through Don Charisma.

      In some Native American belief systems, animals are thought to hold special meaning for people. Animals are thought of as totems, spirit animals, and guides, for when their people need an extra helping hand. I usually call them power animals. I have two personal power animals, the wolf for family matters, and the crow for me personally. When I need to pay attention to something, wolves or crows will make themselves known to me. Crows usually appear in person. Wolves may come to me in meditation, or I will be drawn to something that features pictures of wolves.

      I do a reading each month with the power animals to help illuminate the topic I choose intuitively. I was given a list of topics years ago through a writing meditation, and that is the list I use to choose the topics.

      Does this explanation answer your question?


  2. wonderful message about spreading happiness from the animal kingdom’s point of view. every time i see a horse now i’ll be thinking it’s telling me to get centered. 😛 i also like your new theme as it really highlights your posts and comment section. very nice, Gina. 🙂


    1. Thank you for your compliments on the message and the new theme. I’ve been looking for months for a theme that looks good on both laptops and tablets.

      I’m glad Horse’s message connected for you.


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