The Power of 528 Hz

I have been challenged this past month with work and with family.  In the past two months, I have trained in two new departments in the store, and worked shifts I’ve never worked in my professional life.  Next week, I will act as a nutrition coach during the first monthly meeting of my store’s group weight loss challenge.  Change, change, everywhere.

With these changes, I have experienced revelation after revelation.  One of them was that my body didn’t want to sleep during the day to accommodate an overnight shift.  I am fortunate because my boyfriend, nurturer that he is, played this video for me to help me to sleep in the early evening before my second of four all-night shifts.  It put me right to sleep.  It also started a trend, because on the third day of my temporary schedule, I was able to fall asleep in the early evening without the video.

That is the power of 528 Hz, a frequency which is reputed to repair DNA, and promote harmony within you; harmony that extends to the universe.  Some call it the love frequency. Naturally, I wanted to share it with all of you!

I hope it can help those who are challenged by insomnia.  We all know how lack of sleep can lower our quality of life. I am going to share the video with my weight loss group because studies show that sleep is important for weight loss, as well as for overall health.  Let’s all go for at least five consecutive hours of sleep.

Please enjoy this meditative sequence, and let me know if it helps you, too!

As always, thanks for reading!


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4 thoughts on “The Power of 528 Hz

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